Be ready for the next big cornerstone in web design the internet giant Google sets after mobile-friendly web design - the AMP (or Accelerated Mobile Pages) standard in just a few clicks and with practically no efforts and technical knowledge.
Take advantage of Mobirise AMP Website Builder's new free AMP theme and instantly achieve higher rankings of your pages, get them even more loved by Google and even more – have your precious content kept cached directly on the biggest and most popular search engine's servers for easier and faster accessing from all over the world. As everything with Mobirise free AMP template it's easy intuitive and fun!
The AMP standard, developed by Google is basically a set of rules for the way a web page should be organized and composed in order to be displaying easily and swift on all devices, even the ones having some hardware or internet speed limitations.
The AMP rules are rather strict and exclude the use of quite a few features of a regular web page but there is a prize as well – the pages having AMP alternatives are displaying higher in the search lists regarding to the regular ones and even more.
The AMP versions are being cached on Google's serves so the users get them loaded directly from there saving us server load and taking advantage of the Internet giant's faster hardware and worldwide coverage.
Additionally – the AMP pages created with free AMP theme don't essentially differ from the regular ones in appearance and expressive means so we still get all the tools needed for making our content shine.
And there is even more – the AMP pages made with Mobirise free AMP template have a very special place reserved in Google's mobile search results – they get displayed in the so called Carousel results – much larger, appealing and dragging the user's attention.
With this free AMP template it's really easy to get an AMP page done – just create it as you would normally do using the free AMP theme and the predefined blocks within the Blocks Palette. You'll find them quite similar to the ones from the other Mobirise themes with some minor limitations.
For example, the background overlay color is omitted but there is practically nothing stopping you from making a great presentation of your content, creating powerful intros with calls to action, include rich features, testimonials, galleries and even videos from YouTube and Vimeo like in any regular project of Mobirise free AMP theme.
What you should go without are pretty much all the Mobirise extensions and as mentioned above – some minor appearance refinements like Parallax and Semitransparent color laid over your block's image backgrounds and of course – the graceful animated entrance of the page's elements, but these are not so crucial at all on mobiles and can be safely omitted. Actually the animation is omitted in all Mobirise themes in mobile view anyways.
The only applicable extension when it comes to the Mobirise free AMP theme is the Code Editor. It can be used but with caution since if your code does not comply the AMP rules the resulted pages will probably not get validated as AMP and won't be able to take advantage of all the benefits coming along with that. The rules are quite simple and straightforward however – you just need to forget for the usage of any external scripts except for the ones included in the AMP library, use some AMP tags instead of the regular HTML ones – for example <code><amp-img> </code> instead of the regular <code> <img></code> tag for wrapping your images and forget about referencing any external CSS and JS files. It might sound a bit too much at first but it's actually quite easy and fast to get around, especially having in mind it's all quite well documented over here:
<amp-analytics type="googleanalytics" id="analytics1">
<script type="application/json">
"vars": {
"account": "UA-XXXXX-Y"
"triggers": {
"trackPageview": {
"on": "visible",
"request": "pageview"